Saturday, March 12, 2011

Furniture Shopping–Silly Girl

Hi Cute Baby!

Today, we decided to go out shopping. You love shopping. When we ask you if you want to go shopping, you reply with a very excited “Okaaayyy!!!” We had breakfast at McDonalds, and you played in the play room for awhile.
Not so long ago, you couldn’t climb up above the first level in the play place, but you did today. You were pretty proud of yourself. You couldn’t quite climb up to the third level.


We went to a baby flea market at the Confederation Centre….. it was a flea market for baby toys and clothes. You had a great time. Mommy did lots of shopping. I spent my time chasing you. You kept running to the boxes of toys on the floor in front of display tables and had a great time rummaging through the boxes and playing with the toys.


Next we went to a furniture store to look for a new couch. You had a good time climbing the stairs, running around, climbing up on beds, sitting on couches, etc. You had fun with a Dora loft bed set. There was a stair case at one end so you could climb right up into the bed. There was a play table and chairs under the loft bed. A tent that surrounded the play table made it a pretty cool tent. You had fun with it.
Later we went to Sears to see what they had for couches. I put you in a crib to see what you thought of it. You didn’t mind it.
After that, you climbed into a toddler bed. You snuggled in, and I covered you up. Silly Emma.


I love you cute baby!

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